Monday, November 07, 2005

Send Help!

cat window
Originally uploaded by drippingmullet.
It's been three days now and my owner doesn't seem to be able to stop jacking off. He's been at it for more than 70 hours straight and I haven't been fed that whole time. Neither has he for that matter. All I hear from the bedroom is the click-click of that stupid mouse and the occasional moan when he finds a good 15 second porn clip. I guess I'm not being totally truthful, he took a break about six hours ago to grab another bottle of lotion from the cupboard over the wash machine and drink straight from the tap for a while. Wish I could do that, the toilet water is getting low. He doesn't seem to need to pee at all as he's losing enough fluid in other ways. The smell in that room is pretty bad by now and every time I go in there to bug him for food he throws oddly stiff socks at me. I'm not sure how much longer this can go on because he's got to go to work tomorrow so I guess there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's always like this around here. Fucking three day weekend.


Buff Tan Honky said...

My bowels are empty now...

Anonymous said...

Hi I really like your website it says some interesting things.
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fun. Keep on blogging!

Buff Tan Honky said...

Seriously, if I knew where you were I would shove your entire keyboard up your fucking ass. Keep on blogging? You piece of shit! What kind of fucking loser would name their site 'whimsicalarts'? Why not call it 'loserland' or 'frenchmyasspipe'? Fuck you dick.

Anonymous said...

maybe he's inside making a movie of himself jacking off with a stuffed animal and shoving a flag up his ass.

have you seen that one? it's a great film.