Monday, August 15, 2005

Visual Not Trying Very Hard to be Impartial

Don't Cry for Me Argentina
Originally uploaded by Jorge Ragtime.
A study released today by the National Science Foundation illustrated the strong growth of legal abortions in every U.S. state over the past ten years.

The scientific community expressed surprise by the visual accompanying the study, however, which seemed to stray from the foundation's stated impartiality to the practice of abortion.

"It doesn't really seem fair to represent the number of abortions by the size of each state's frowny face," said Dr. Chim Richalds, a gynecologist at UCLA Medical Center. "Many women find abortions to be pleasurable experiences, and my wife and I have certainly enjoyed every one of ours. In fact I'm recommending that my patients should stay off birth control, which can be a large waste of money when you can just slaughter the defenseless fetus if you get pregnant anyway."

National Science Foundation spokesperson Sean Pfaff was unapologetic about their visual's negative slant.

"Ever since the Supreme Court invented abortion, this country's morals have dissipated to the point where my kids think Lord Jesus Christ was a wrestler in the WCW," Pfaff lamented.

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