Monday, September 19, 2005

Enumclaw Jr. High Annual 'Stoners Versus Hicks' Fight Postponed

The Battleground
Originally uploaded by drippingmullet.
Due to a lack of vehicle transportation and the constantly changing location of battle, the Annual 'Stoners Versus Hicks' fight held by Enumclaw Jr. High students has been put off until a later date. Though the fight has been an annual event since 1986, no immediate plans have been put in place to reconvene the battle. The history of the now infamous fight is straightforward and well known by all participants. "When fashion and muscial tastes of the mid-1980's began to polarize students, tensions soon reached the breaking point," stated Jim Krupa, Enumclaw Jr. High grad, while puffing on a cigarette at the Ski Inn Tavern. Bearing the telltale scars across his knuckles from his own experiences fighting for the 'stoners,' Krupa was reluctant to speak on the subject at first, citing 'emotional pain.' "The fight was the outlet for all that pent up aggression we were feeling towards the 'hicks.' By the end of September, we [the stoners] were so fed up with the ocean of fleece lined jean jackets and flannels we had to do something about it. The biggest problem we stoners faced was the reality that virtually everyone else in the school seemed to side with the hicks, even if they were preppy. The fights were without exception one sided and brutal." Krupa allowed himself a shiver of revulsion at the memory and turned away, back to his beer and the haunting recollections of the glory he had tried so hard to achieve. The interview is over, his body language clearly telegraphed. It is impossible to know at this early date if the fight has gone the way of Oakley Blades but it is conceivable that when it does resurface it will have morphed into a more modern version of the original. Possible incarnations of the original 'Stoners Versus Hicks' clash might be 'Snowboarders Versus Band Kids,' 'Quiet Anti-Social Kids Versus the Track Team,' or 'Kids in Sweatpants Versus Everyone.'


Buff Tan Honky said...

Wow! More fucking ads. You people who do this are such fucking losers. GET A REAL JOB. Fucking toolbags.

Buff Tan Honky said...

Hi! I was just browsing and I thought I'd invite you to TAKE A LOOK AT MY ASSHOLE! I have a can of gasoline set aside to burn your corpse, fucker.

Buff Tan Honky said...

Hello again. Blogging it up today and WOW is it fun. Everyone out there should KEEP ON BLOGGING. Blog your goddamn brains out. Blog all over the fucking place. Blog all over my back and ass. Just blog the living shit out of everything. Totally cool.

PS. Please leave some more ad links that no one will ever fucking go to. Strong sales strategy you shit sucks.

Buff Tan Honky said...

Yoo Hoo- Just wanted to make sure youre still fucking BLOGGING. All you stupid ass anonymous rectums with fucking ad links. If you really had a weblog it wouldn't show you as anonymous so why bother pretending that you have one? Why not just say 'Hi. I didn't graduate high school and now I spend most of my time trying to get people to go to stupid websites that no one is interested in because the person who runs that website didn't graduate either but they are pretty sure that starting a website is about all that is required for business success. I make $1 each hour that I work.' That is a little more to the point. But then again. That's a little long-winded so just put up your fucking ad and pretend your aren't a fuck.

Buff Tan Honky said...

I am bald with a big, shitty beard and I'm still cooler than you stupid fucking whores. I want you to die so bad it makes my balls hurt. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Great Fucking Blog!
I have a sweaty rectum site and it pretty much covers sweaty rectum related stuff.

Cum and check it out if you want to be a fucking homo! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm a fuck, but I do have a GREAT website that covers poker supply dallas related stuff. Whatever the fuck that shit is. I have colon problems, but I break away from the toilet long enough to leave comments on your weblog. Im a shitfaced bitch suck fucker.

Buff Tan Honky said...


Anonymous said...

Hey I just noticed that you have this super rad blog here. I like good blogs. Blog your balls off. Thats what i always say. I have this really really super rad cool site about shovels and shovel related supplies. It is really a winner. hope you like it.